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100 Slots ICCR Scholarship Scheme for Indian Culture ( Academic Year 2022-2023)

Posted on: January 13, 2022 | Back | Print

100 ICCR Scholarship slots for pursuing studies in Indian Culture 

(Dance, Music, Theatre, Performing Art, Sculpture, Indian Languages, Indian Cuisine) 

for the academic year 2022-23.

ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) has announced 100 scholarship slots for foreign students for study in Indian Culture such as dance, music, theatre, performing art, sculpture, Indian languages, and Indian cuisine for the academic year 2022-23.  The interested students from Sri Lanka can apply for the said scholarship at the portal: www.a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in

2. Following guidelines/ procedure may be considered while applying for the   scholarship:

(i) The applicant should be between 18 - 30 years of age at the time of admission in Indian Universities/ Institutes.

(ii) Applicants have the option to apply to 5 Universities/ Institutes in the order of their preferences of study.

(iii)  A student will have to write an essay comprising 500 words in English language. This is a mandatory English proficiency requirement. Besides, students can also submit their TOFEL/ IELTS scores.

(iv) Applicants may have to submit additional documents/ evidence of knowledge in the specialized field of dance, music, theater and art etc. for the ICCR scholarship. Applicant must go through the website of each University / Institute, in which he / she is applying for a course, carefully for such additional requirements.

(v) Detailed guidelines on the process of applying, the procedure and norms governing the same 1s given on the A2A portal at www.a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in

3. Selected candidates will be provided to and fro International airfare under this scholarship.

4. Compulsory personal Medical Insurance is a mandatory requirement for availing of ICCR's scholarship. It is compulsory for students to procure Medical Insurance policy on their own with minimum sum assured for INR five lakhs (equivalent to USO $6800 per annum) when they travel to India.

5. For further  details  please  contact  Consulate General of India, Hambantota  of  India, 107-B, New Rd, Hambantota on telephone nos. 0472222500 / 503 or email pic.hambantota@mea.gov.in